Achieved the TOP1 Ranking by Christmas in Just 2 Months
International SEO
Google Ads

A client, INCENDIO MAGIC WAND, approached us. Before contacting us, the client had already been working on the site – he had a blog, ran advertising and the site was on the first page in the output for many queries. However, they aspired to dominate the organic search top rankings. We needed to evaluate the opportunity for growth. The client was also dissatisfied with their current pay-per-click (PPC) ad results and sought improvements. They were targeting regions like the USA, UK, Australia, Europe, and others.

As the product is seasonal, the client’s main task was to improve the site’s performance in time for the Christmas and New Year gift selling season. This was the main difficulty, the client came to us with a request in early October and time was extremely limited. We had to compete with similar sites, as well as with Amazon. Such a competitor as Amazon made the task even more difficult.

2 months
to the result
in the eCommerce niche
traffic growth


Services provided in this project:
SEO Google

We analyzed the Google Ads advertising campaign, conducting an audit of the client’s current campaign across all regions. We thoroughly examined the structure of the ad campaign set up before us. The existing campaign was extensive – with over 100 campaigns and more than 1500 ads. Careful attention was crucial due to the tight deadlines and no room for error.

After the advertising analysis, we created additional ads optimized for keywords, improved Ad relevance and Landing page experience. We also added and configured Performance Max campaigns, optimized budgets and bids.

From an SEO perspective, we conducted a technical audit of the website, corrected errors based on the audit, and compiled a semantic core. As a result of semantic core clustering we realized that initially search queries were incorrectly distributed in the structure and accordingly pages were optimized not for the right queries. The search queries on the home page and product page were wrongly allocated, so we rewrote the texts and changed the query entries. We then created pages for previously unused queries, as well as pages for individual character’s magic wands, to target traffic specifically to them.

To make sure that we will be ahead of our competitors and take a stable first place in the search results, we created a strategy of backlinks. Based on the analysis of competitors, we calculated the required number. Then we created content and selected high-quality thematic sites. In 2 months we have placed 40 links on the site.


Crucial Moment

While Perfomance Max campaigns were still more of an innovation from Google, they worked great. In terms of SEO, correct query clustering and on-page optimization resolved many issues and accounted for 70% of the success. During the analysis phase, we noticed that competitors were not as strong in terms of backlinks. We focused on links, which contributed to 30% of the success.


The project’s tight deadline required us to make quick decisions and take precise actions to achieve results, and we succeeded. The campaign delivered an average ROAS of approximately 350% at the peak of the season. The site ranked TOP1 for nearly all high-frequency queries, outperforming serious competitors. Traffic to the site tripled.