18 Best Marketing Strategies for Software Companies
17 October 2023

18 Best Marketing Strategies for Software Companies

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In this article, you’ll find 18 best marketing strategies for software companies from the technology experts at Malinovsky Marketing Agency.

Every minute you spend reading will be your investment, not a waste of time.

Do you know the company Netflix? Netflix was launched in 1997 as a humble DVD rental company, but since 2005, its strategy has changed as interest in DVDs declined. Adapting to the changing times, Netflix is now the leading streaming giant. The idea behind the company’s founding hasn’t changed — movies. What has changed? Marketing strategy is the actions that lead to success.

Strategy drives a company’s performance.

A digital marketing strategy for software companies requires focused actions to achieve your goals. So stay focused and develop a clear information technology marketing plan.

Set SMART goals. Understand your clients and evaluate your resources: finances, time and team. This will lay the foundation of marketing for software companies.

Develop a strategy now, save time later.

Follow your digital marketing plan for a software company. If you don’t stick to it, you will waste time and money without achieving your goal.

How to Market Software Development Services: Selection of Tools

You have identified your assets, desired results and target client groups. The next step is to identify marketing tools that fit your company’s parameters and combine them properly.

How to compose a detailed description of the parameters of you as a company and your target audience read our article “How to get clients for a software development company?”.

Let’s take a look at the tools for creating an IT company marketing strategy.


A website is not just a tool. It is the digital face of your business.

If you’re a software company, your website is an example of your work.

A well-designed, user-friendly website makes a strong impression and inspires trust with clients and search engines alike. If you want your website to strengthen your online business, it should not be a one-page website. Recommended website structure:

  • Home
  • Services
    • Custom Web Development
    • Mobile Development
  • Solutions
    • CRM Development
    • Food Delivery App development
  • Industries
    • Fintech
    • Healthcare
    • Real Estate
  • Technologies
    • Python
    • Ruby on Rails
    • React.js
    • React Native
  • Case Studies
    • Case 1
    • Case 2
  • About
  • Blog
    • Article 1
    • Article 2
  • Contact Us

For example, ScienceSoft is an example of a well-structured website. Allocate separate pages for each Service, Solution, Technology or Industry to increase search engine rankings.

The content of the site is about you, your services, your case studies, and forms the users’ opinion of your company.

An important tool for website promotion and contact with your target audience is a useful active blog. Share valuable ideas, trends in the industry, talk about your knowledge and experience. Stake on the quality of information in your blog.

A successful website should be SEO-optimized for search engines. Follow the rules, consider the specifics of SEO for software development companies, and set up analytics.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

SEO is the process of optimizing a website to increase its visibility in search engines. Most people turn to Google when looking for information. The search engine is available on all devices. Everyone uses it for different queries, including your potential clients. They may use Google or even Bing to find companies that can fulfill their software needs.

According to Google Keyword Planner, the query “custom software development company” is searched for by 1,300 people per month in the United States.

Appearing at the top of search results increases your visibility. When interested users see that your website ranks high in search results, there is a high probability that they will become your clients. Users generally trust websites that rank well.

SEO for Software Company
Search results for the query “custom software development company” in the USA region.

The website of ScienceSoft, a large technology company, ranks fourth for the search term “custom software development company”:

SEO for Software Development Company
Company ScienceSoft fourth position for the query “custom software development company” in the USA region.
SEO for Technology Companies
Traffic data for ScienceSoft company’s page on the query “custom software development company” in the USA region according to the Ahrefs service.

The screenshot above shows data from ScienceSoft, a giant in the development industry. They attract up to 2,000 people from the US to their “software development company” page for 130 keywords. To optimize your ranking, gather keywords relevant to your business. With proper promotion, a spot at the top of the lists can be yours.

PPC (Pay-Per-Click) Advertising

PPC is an advertising model where you pay for each click on your ad.

There are different kinds of advertising — Search Ads, Display Ads, and others. Search Ads work similarly to SEO.

Let’s take the same query, “custom software development company”. You can attract traffic to your website for this query by placing advertisements in search engines (PPC) above the organic search results.

You select the queries that will display your ad. Payment is made only when users click on your ad and land on your website.

PPC provides faster results than SEO. As soon as you launch your advertising, you immediately start getting clients. On the other hand, achieving SEO results takes more time. However, SEO is advantageous in the long run.

PPC for Software Development Company
Example of search advertising for the query “custom software development company”.

With Display Campaigns in Google Ads or Bing Ads, your ad appears on selected websites. You can target an audience based on criteria like interests, gender, and age. When users click on your graphic ads, they’re directed to your site.

PPC Ads is a swift and efficient start. Acquiring leads through it reinforces your confidence in the potential of SEO. This will make it easier for you to make decisions regarding long-term investments in SEO.

PPC allows for quick lead acquisition and marketing ROI. You can then reinvest those funds.

Spend to earn.

YouTube Advertising

YouTube isn’t just for videos. It is a powerful platform for IT company marketing. As the second-largest search engine, it reaches billions monthly, making it ideal for targeting potential software clients.

Video content engages users and can effectively communicate complex software concepts.

YouTube appeals to a visually inclined audience. You can customize your ads based on demographics, client interests, search history, and even specific YouTube channels.

While its extensive reach and flexibility are unquestionable, keep in mind the challenges: ad skipping, viewer fatigue, and production costs. So think carefully about your marketing ideas for software companies.

Options encompass in-stream ads with skip functions, non-skippable ads, bumpers, display ads, and more.

Generate traffic through search engine advertising, targeting individuals searching for your services. Once visitors leave your site, utilize YouTube ads to recapture their attention and redirect them to your business.

YouTube ads are particularly effective for startups and SaaS.

Content Marketing

A well-thought-out content marketing funnel, creating valuable content, sharing it with your target audience, and connecting with potential customers on a regular basis is what a content marketing strategy is all about.

Blog, articles, videos, e-books or other formats, this approach helps you demonstrate your expertise, generate interest and convert visitors into clients.

For example, you’re currently reading a successful content marketing article. You’re in search of insights on marketing tactics for software firms. Picture that your clients are also in pursuit of resolutions to their concerns through tech enterprises and can locate you as an authority in their field of interest.

The decision-making process for clients when it comes to ordering development services can be lengthy. Address their questions and concerns proactively, even when not explicitly posed. Delve into comprehensive explanations of how your services can be beneficial. The more valuable information you provide, the greater your credibility and memorability among your users.

Examples of articles by digital marketing agency Malinovsky for technology companies:

Media and Public Relations (PR)

Leveraging media and PR can spotlight your software development company. Effective PR initiatives enhance your brand’s exposure, trustworthiness, and client reach.

Your audience has certain media tastes, and we know them.

Your blog’s content isn’t just for your site. They can appear in prestigious platforms like Forbes.

For instance, you can publish an article on how developers can boost e-commerce sales. Featuring your pieces in such magazines helps connect with your intended audience, as outlined in our earlier content strategy conversations.

Samples of pieces tech firms have posted on Forbes:

Social Media

Social media platforms offer opportunities to build professional and business connections, share content, establish authority, and find potential clients.

We are certain that LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter are most effective for tech companies. Other social networks have a limited impact in the B2B segment.

Social media isn’t just about a company’s profile; it’s about its people. By promoting key personnel on LinkedIn, you can expand your network and attract potential clients. Just as search engines evaluate information based on the E-E-A-T philosophy, the same principles are important to your clients. E-E-A-T stands for Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness.

Your profile should show that you are an experienced and reliable professional. Show who you are friends with, that you are quoted. How you attend conferences and win awards. It is important for your client to understand who they are trusting with their money. When a client is planning a serious project, they are serious about choosing a contractor as well.

Media and Public Relations for Software Development Company
Examples of employee profiles of software development companies on LinkedIn.
Media and Public Relations for Technology Companies
Examples of employee profiles of software development companies on LinkedIn.

Marketplaces for Finding Business Services

There are specialized platforms like Clutch, GoodFirms that spotlight tech companies by bringing clients to them.

More than 100,000 technology companies are listed in the Clutch directory alone. And the total traffic of the site is 1.5 million visits per month.

Marketplaces for Software Development Company
Clutch Traffic according to Ahrefs data.

Listing on these platforms amplifies your online footprint. The reviews on these platforms are verified by the platform itself to ensure that the information is authentic. Such platforms have ratings and awards, and receiving them also increases the credibility of your company in the eyes of potential clients. Clutch is known for its rigorous verification process and genuine client reviews. When software companies publish case studies on Clutch, it increases their credibility and builds trust with potential clients.

When clients search for software services on Google, Clutch and GoodFirms often dominate top spots. Remember the screenshots from the SEO section? You will note that Clutch was one of the first results:

Platform Clutch for Software Development Companies

Platforms like Clutch and GoodFirms give software development companies increased visibility and third-party verification, attracting potential clients. They also offer paid placement for top rankings (sponsored).

Clutch for Software Companies
Example of Sponsored display on Clutch.


Discussion boards offer a venue to tackle inquiries related to your proficiency and promote links to your site or pertinent pages displaying your goods and services. When your answers resonate with forum participants, they may explore these links further, enhancing lead acquisition and the chance of sealing transactions.

By scrutinizing forum dialogues, you can identify client hurdles and adjust your products or services to fit. This understanding can mold your promotional tactics.

Discussion platforms also present a chance to evaluate rival feedback and measure their expertise.

An example of a Quora forum discussion on behalf of software companies:

Quora for Software Development Companies

SERM (Search Engine Reputation Management)

SERM (Search Engine Reputation Management) is a strategy for building your brand’s reputation in search results. It involves actively monitoring and managing your online reputation by optimizing positive content and removing negative mentions.

Reviews can have a significant impact on your reputation. Popular sources of reviews include Google Business, Clutch, Goodfirms, social media, and recruiting platforms like Glassdoor and Indeed.

Imagine researching a company profile by typing “Hyperlink InfoSystem reviews” into Google:

SERM for Software Development Companies
Example of search results for the query “Hyperlink InfoSystem reviews”.

If you see a company rating below 4 stars, do you want to contact them? And if you encounter negative employee reviews, wouldn’t you wonder about the atmosphere in the company? You are looking for a partner for a pleasant long-term relationship, so you consider all available information when making a decision. Every detail is important.

A robust online reputation attracts new clients, builds trust, and differentiates you from competitors.

SERM tactics encompass search engine optimization (SEO), content creation, review management, social media monitoring, and engagement with industry influencers and experts.

Focusing on detailed, positive feedback from clients is crucial. This consistency helps build your standing in the feedback marketplace.

One particular skill is to establish such a level of interaction with clients that they voluntarily leave positive reviews even without your request.

Email Marketing

It is a strategy of using email campaigns to communicate with your audience. By creating personalized and informative emails, you can retain clients, maintain communication, and attract new clients.

Email marketing can be a part of your content strategy for your client base.

Notify your clients when new articles are posted on your blog.

If your client base is limited, it can be expanded. For instance, if e-commerce stores are your target, collect their contacts and send newsletters with valuable insights or exclusive offers.

For sales, sequential emails can be effective.

Email sequence examples:

  1. Introduction to the value proposition.
  2. Product demonstration invitation.
  3. Practical case study, testimonials, and call to action.


Direct Sales

Direct sales center around individual conversations with prospective clients to promote products or services. Through such tailored discussions, salespeople glean insights into what clients prefer and pinpoint their unique challenges and desires. This approach highlights the company’s dedication to addressing every client’s specific requirements with personalized software solutions.

For loyal clients, direct sales shine in promoting add-on features or services, capitalizing on the existing rapport. For instance, you might suggest updating a website or software that improves efficiency. As you engage with the client they might voice their concerns, giving you a chance to address them with future solutions.

When it comes to direct sales to potential clients, you can target companies that already have a product you can improve.

Perhaps a potential client does not have a specific tool. But by conducting an analysis, you can confidently demonstrate not only in words but also in numbers that they need the software. Spend your time and attention preparing a specific proposal for potential clients, describing what you can improve and how it will benefit them. This will have a positive impact and demonstrate your commitment from the first contact.

Maintaining a balanced and non-pushy sales approach is crucial in direct sales. As technology advances, tools like virtual meetings, web demos, and engaging presentations make connecting with distant clients easier, overcoming physical boundaries. The skills and character of the salesperson greatly influence the outcomes of direct sales.

Tools like LinkedIn, email marketing, and conferences can amplify direct sales efforts.

Exhibitions and Conferences

Engaging in industry exhibitions and conferences is a strategic move to connect with potential clients, forge partnerships, and highlight your offerings.

Attending trade shows and conferences helps create a positive impression of your company among people who come in contact with your brand.

Events can be either free or paid. In our fast-paced world, staying updated with the latest technological solutions and industry news is crucial. Gathering insights from experts and forming your own opinions is essential. While you might not always acquire new clients at these events, you could meet investors or forge valuable connections for the future. Alternatively, you might find opportunities to assist others.

Schedule of some of the largest conferences:

CES 2024January 9 - 12, 2024
Mobile World CongressFebruary 26 - 29, 2024
Web Summit QatarFebruary 26 - 29, 2024
Google Cloud NextApril 9 - 11, 2024
RSA ConferenceMay 6 - 9, 2024
Big Data & AI ExpoJune 5 - 6, 2024
London Tech WeekJune 10 - 14, 2024
AWS SummitJune 26 - 27, 2024
Google iOTBD
Microsoft BuildTBD
Meta ConnectTBD
Source: Tella.tv



Collaborating with industry peers amplifies your reach and visibility. For instance, partnering with a marketing agency can unlock new clientele, as their clients might also need your services. Such partnerships simplify transitions. Insights from your partner about the client streamline communication, bolstering the relationship and expediting results. Endorsements like these foster trust swiftly.

To identify potential partners, consider platforms like Clutch, which aggregates company data.

Major software development firms can also be invaluable partners. They frequently subdivide substantial projects, relying on outsourced developers.

Participating in software development for a well-known client can provide valuable experience. The advantage is that you won’t have to interact directly with the client. Your client will be a development company similar to your own. This simplifies finding common ground, and if you prove your capabilities, you can secure ongoing orders.

Lead Nurturing Strategy

A client nurturing strategy is an ongoing process of attracting potential clients. It includes reaching out to those who are not yet familiar with your services and developing relationships with existing clients. Establishing these relationships early on can accelerate future sales.

Educate your potential clients. Educate them using blogs, white papers, client success stories, webinars and software tutorials. Emphasize how your expertise can help solve their problems, improve business operations, and eliminate complexity.

What clients may be concerned about:

  • Uncertainty about technology’s benefits.
  • High development costs.
  • Concerns over data security.
  • Doubts about developer qualifications.
  • Trust in the development company’s reliability.
  • Fears of communication challenges with developers.
  • And more.

While not every content consumer will become a client, spreading your message and positive reviews can attract new business. Satisfied clients or readers often refer new ones.

You can offer existing clients additional services you haven’t provided before. For example, encourage them to update their software regularly. Or suggest improvements to boost efficiency and streamline their operations. Also, prioritize app security. Like insurance, it’s often overlooked until something goes wrong.

Marketing for software companies doesn’t end once a contract is signed with a client.

Maintain client relationships before, during, and after each project.

Contribute to Open-Source Projects

Contributing to open-source projects boosts your company’s reputation in the software community. Such involvement showcases your expertise, building trust. By working on notable projects, your company becomes synonymous with quality, increasing your website’s visibility and expanding your audience.

Engaging with global developers also sparks new ideas and collaboration opportunities.

Influencer Marketing

Let the influencers your target audience trusts talk about you.

Imagine influential figures whom your target audience respects and admires. When these influencers share their experiences with your company, it transcends typical advertising. It becomes a genuine endorsement for prospective clients, sparking their curiosity to delve into your company, products, and services.

The strength of influencer marketing is its capacity to assuage potential clients’ doubts about your company.

Suppose you heard about the startup Eyeware Tech. Would you want to learn more? Now, what if Elon Musk mentioned Eyeware Tech?

Influencer marketing isn’t solely about reaching a broad audience. It’s about reaching the right one.

Identify influential figures that align with your target audience and work with them to produce captivating and potent content.

EPAM Systems is a prominent global provider of software development solutions and digital platforms. The company consistently partners with influential individuals well-versed in technology and its implications across diverse sectors. These figures are esteemed experts in their disciplines. For instance, the EPAM podcast features Bruce Schneier, an American cryptographer, author, and computer security specialist.

LinkedIn post on the EPAM Systems page about the podcast with Bruce Schneier
LinkedIn post on the EPAM Systems page about the podcast with Bruce Schneier.

Or podcasts and mentions of the company EPAM by Lynn M. Revenburg, MBA – Managing Director North American Insurance Advisory Lead.

A post mentioning EPAM on Lynn M. Revenburg's page.
A post mentioning EPAM on Lynn M. Revenburg’s page.
A LinkedIn post by EPAM Systems about the Insurance, Data and Analytics podcast featuring Harini Wilkinson, Lynn Rivenburgh, and Sirat Chhabra.
A LinkedIn post by EPAM Systems about the Insurance, Data and Analytics podcast featuring Harini Wilkinson, Lynn Rivenburgh, and Sirat Chhabra.

Salesforce, a leading name in client relationship management (CRM) software, incorporates influencer marketing into their software development marketing strategies. They collaborate with influential industry trailblazers, analysts, and consultants. Michael Krigsman, an industry analyst, speaker, and host of the CXOTalk show, has welcomed Salesforce executives and specialists onto his show. Together, they discussed Salesforce products, client success stories, and industry dynamics.

An influencer isn’t strictly an individual. Companies can act as influencers for one another. Organizing or joining collective events facilitates audience sharing.

EPAM Systems sponsorship at the Salesforce Connections 2023 event.
EPAM Systems sponsorship at the Salesforce Connections 2023 event.

Seek out those who can bridge you to your audience and whom you can mutually benefit.

The people and companies you find today will shape your tomorrow.


Inbound and Outbound are strategies for combining tools in marketing for the IT industry.

Inbound marketing acts as a magnet, drawing clients to your enterprise. Instead of proactively pursuing them, you let them come to you organically. Inbound approaches encompass blogging, social media engagement, search engine optimization (SEO), and producing content. By providing insightful content and fostering trust, you ensure prospective customers turn to your offerings when the time is right.

Conversely, outbound marketing is akin to a superhero with a megaphone, announcing its presence. It’s about delivering your message to a broad audience, hoping to capture attention. Outbound tactics encompass cold calling and email marketing, aiming to reach many people, regardless of their current interest or buying readiness.

To maximize impact, many firms blend both strategies.

Balance the best marketing strategies for software companies according to business goals and target audience needs.

How to Build Best Marketing Strategies for Software Companies?

IT marketing strategies involve effectively combining various tools.

To choose the right tools identify the company’s resources (finance, time, personnel), the company’s current market position and the point at which you want to arrive. SWOT analysis for a software development company can help you with this.

In our work with clients, we are often faced with limited resources, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t effective marketing strategies for you. A case in point is the promotion of Celadon in the UAE.

The Celadon project faced constraints in budget, staffing, and time. Our action plan hinged on available resources. We researched the market, developed a website, launched Google Ads, and secured our first clients. Profits from these clients were reinvested into marketing: a portion of the budget targeted SEO and local placements in the UAE, as localized placements can be more cost-effective. Within three months, we saw our first organic conversions. By year’s end, the company garnered 200 qualified leads. Thus, with strategic and consistent efforts, we achieved our goals within the set budget.

Results can be achieved with any resources, the main thing is to build the right marketing strategy.

Choosing specific tools helps create a customized digital marketing strategy for software companies. To realize your vision, you’ll need a team comprising marketers, SEO experts, seasoned copywriters, and other professionals. Assembling and training this in-house team requires time, which can extend the client acquisition timeline.

While your clients might hire a few in-house developers, it’s often more efficient to engage a dedicated external team. It’s the same in marketing. Opting for those who are already experienced in the upcoming tasks is a wise choice.

Conclusion on the IT Company Marketing Strategy

You might have tried various marketing methods or are just starting to consider them for your software company. It’s not about using all software marketing strategies, but picking and blending the right ones. This blend can be tricky due to factors like resources, competitors, and market shifts.

Grasping industry nuances is vital.

If hiring and strategy-building seem daunting, lean on experts with a track record in your sector.

With us, you get a marketing plan tailored to your needs.

Contact us and collaborate with a team of marketing specialists to grow your software development company.

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